&*@%^#$!: earlier that day..


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

19 August 2005

earlier that day..

Video games are a cruel mistress. I had a post in pre-production illustrating the redonkulousness of this, but I had some business to tend to this afternoon and the post didn't fully congeal, so it stayed in the 'draft' pile.

4 hours later..

I'm back home from business-ing, combing thru my inter-nets, add a bit to the draft:
"..and sheesh, add at LEAST another 139.96 for 2 more controller+batt pack sets, cuz you KNOW I'll need those too.. ..shoot, if they're all wireless, will there be games that will let you have +4 humans playing?? Imagine the possibilities.. even just Madden?"
BUT- I still don't finish the post, and it's out to dinner + errands..

another 3 hours pass..

And the posse end up hanging out and closing up shop with 'wolf at GameStop. Naturally, my own admitted lack of willpower and half-hearted reasoning find me doing exactly what I said I shouldn't be doing; I'm all pre-ordered up for the "HardcorePremium" package, and uhh.. well it's 3 games now, isn't it.
I doubt it would be this way if all these games weren't so community-based.. nothing like kicking a friend/family member's ass from miles and miles away. And It'll serve me well once my new house is built.

New house? Oh yeah, that.. well that's another post.

[Oh man I KNOW ripping off A.B. is so uncool, but my hardest part of blogging is ending posts.. and it's SO easy to end posts that way ;) ]


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