oh yeah
forgot to post ;) i'd say long story short, but it's .. well just that, short. went to IKEA.. you know how u gotta back into the loading area? well we were all loaded up and i just had to roll [all the way] around the [stupidly too-narrow for me] cart guard thingys to get to the car.. well, this old dude was backing into the parking space two spaces closer to me than the jeep.. and decides to not look while he straightens his parking job.
[pix not ascii, click to view all big-like]

[key: black= jeep, red= old guy, blue= me, thick grey= dumb ikea layout, thin grey= movement, yellow= befuddled employee]
so yeah, old guy had a tiny car and tons of space on either side, and him and i even made eye contact as we were traveling in the same direction [him into the space, me into the area he was vacating by backing up, making my way toward the jeep.
and then he decides to straightens out.. pulls forward *towards* me. i grabbed my right wheel hard and spun right and backwards, and dude doesn't even acknowledge.
and that is why old people should have their licenses checkedyearly monthly ..well whatever. old people. psh.
the hispanic IKEA dude just outside the building saw it tho. he was all frowny and shaking his head and all.. we made eye contact.. i couldn't help but laugh ;)
EDIT: ASCII'ing it didn't work. i'll draw it up tomorr
EDITEDIT: couple days late and horribly scratched out in mspaint, the post is finished
[pix not ascii, click to view all big-like]

[key: black= jeep, red= old guy, blue= me, thick grey= dumb ikea layout, thin grey= movement, yellow= befuddled employee]
so yeah, old guy had a tiny car and tons of space on either side, and him and i even made eye contact as we were traveling in the same direction [him into the space, me into the area he was vacating by backing up, making my way toward the jeep.
and then he decides to straightens out.. pulls forward *towards* me. i grabbed my right wheel hard and spun right and backwards, and dude doesn't even acknowledge.
and that is why old people should have their licenses checked
the hispanic IKEA dude just outside the building saw it tho. he was all frowny and shaking his head and all.. we made eye contact.. i couldn't help but laugh ;)
EDIT: ASCII'ing it didn't work. i'll draw it up tomorr
EDITEDIT: couple days late and horribly scratched out in mspaint, the post is finished
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