[illinois license plate selector]
"QUAD DMG" isn't a viable entry. stupid rules.
however, because of a stupid oversight on my part, i'm going back monday sometime. that much longer to think of a plate ;)
"QUAD DMG" isn't a viable entry. stupid rules.
however, because of a stupid oversight on my part, i'm going back monday sometime. that much longer to think of a plate ;)
UM if you pick Personalized plates instead of Vanity, QUAD DMG is a valid entry! Hurry and purchase!
How about this for my car:
LOL only 7 more payments left and then my car is all mine. hmmmm new paint job? LEDz for the interior? Laptop embedded in the dash? Muwahahahahaha
damn 'normies'. see, it isn't valid for the *disability* plates. 6 letters tops to make room for the wheely guy, heheh
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