&*@%^#$!: that warm, fuzzy feeling...


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

22 March 2007

that warm, fuzzy feeling...

...of the hairs on the back of your neck, bristling with rage:

Lifting the ban on taxpayer funding of research on new stem cells from fertilized embryos would better serve both science and the nation, the chief of the National Institutes of Health told lawmakers Monday.

Allowing the ban to remain in place, Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni told a Senate panel, leaves his agency fighting "with one hand tied behind our back."...

...Bush issued the first and so far only veto of his presidency last year when he killed legislation that would have expanded federal funding of stem-cell research. In January, the House passed a revived proposal.

[link to article]

it's nice to know that with all the madness going around with the war on iraqterror, the troop surge, n.korea's nuke talks, subpoenas on the judicial firings, global warming, signing statements.. you name it.. i can still count on him using his second veto to tell me i'm not worth the science.
[and the reasoning is his religious beliefs, right? church and state anyone? SCIENCE, people. medical advancement. what happened to USA #1? yay China, yay India]

but hey, at least we've got a great health care system in this country.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

3/23/2007 10:28 AM  
Blogger Jas said...

no kidding. so.. am i *happy* that there's 2 years left, or *sad* that there's STILL 2 years left?

here's to the impeachment rumors..?

3/24/2007 12:52 AM  

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