today ends a weekend on overdrive. dmv [forms forms, oops no checkbook]/ frys [haggle 1hr, openbox camera -$30]/ chzburgr in paradise [shouldve got a burger/ sweet potato chips, wrap was plain- but good cuz it turned out to be my ONLY meal that day, oops.. also plans tentatively set for tues]/ kidz [drew outlines, made cookies, always hyper]/ [sleep, not]/ birthdays [auntie's bday, and ALSO other aunt! oops]/ baby dedication [found a WoW pusher.. + super long filipino goodbye, 333% longer than planned]/ [no sleep again]/ dmv [leave in a hungry hurry, CLOSED mondays. woo]/ IKEA [again, yes.. more fill in pieces, no window treatments]/ planplanphonephoneplanplanphoneplan [bonus gw night, a break, woo]/ [2hours tops of fitful nonsleep, then]/ dmv [FINALLY temp plates.. gotta get normal plates, 3mo wait, and THEN apply for vanity- thus negating ALL trips to naperville {25min away?} instead of plano {15min}, whoops- but at least the van is a go]/ fry's [AGAIN, yes- aunt's haggled camera was a bust; replaced, more cheap stuff] family get together [late getting home, delivery guywaiting, mom set off alarm, lunas biked over.. short ribs.. newish pc]/ goodbyes goodbyes, some for days, weeks, months, some for years, etc etc
i'm missing stuff [lemme know] but my horrid atempt at not formatting i feel illustrates how weirdly zombied i managed to make it thru these past few days.. somewhat surprised i wasn't killed by gary halfway thru it all, surprised the 'party' went off okay, hoping i'm not sick like i was beginning to feel this morning [im filled with vitamin c and multivitamins]
and now, rome ep.s 11 and 12, if i dont pass out during
i'm missing stuff [lemme know] but my horrid atempt at not formatting i feel illustrates how weirdly zombied i managed to make it thru these past few days.. somewhat surprised i wasn't killed by gary halfway thru it all, surprised the 'party' went off okay, hoping i'm not sick like i was beginning to feel this morning [im filled with vitamin c and multivitamins]
and now, rome ep.s 11 and 12, if i dont pass out during
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