&*@%^#$!: Crackdown and Halo 3 problems causing uproar on Xbox 360


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Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

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16 May 2007

Crackdown and Halo 3 problems causing uproar on Xbox 360

Beta delayed until tomorrow?
Update - 4.30pm [3:30p central]: According to the Bungie forums,the Xbox Live helpdesk is now quoting 24 hours before we can play Halo 3 -they bad better extend the beta by a few days.

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EDIT: started dl'ing at about 9:30p, and still at 84% now. and 'wolf informs me that theyre extending it for another four days, adding a weekend to the beta.
good move on their behalf..
i still wanna be playing RIGHT NOW tho.

EDIT 2: got in, lots of matchmaking problems, lots of resetting. halo still rocks, played til 2:45a. VIP isnt what i thought it was.. not bad after all. still suck at team slayer, but not bad at the land grabs/ assaults/ etc. never hit a 16player or ctf.. mongoose is fun. mancannons are interesting. spike grenades rock. that laser rules. adapter real fast to directional for team chat instead of white button for team chat. sucks i lost frostsoldier/frostmerc and lonewolf just before 2, and played a bit with the guy from sushi station.. good times.

wow halo 3 hits, and im ready for bed *before* i normally go. heh

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