the day digg died
utter craziness. ive been folowing this one all day.. some user on DIGG got a DMCA request to takedown the HD DVD hex encryption key [09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 fyi, as seen here, from a much larger entity than myself..], and so that user got his story up on DIGG to spread the word to the community. and then his story disappeared. and a story asking where the story went up. and disappeared. lather rinse repeat.. then some other DIGGer found that the HD DVD group is a DIGG sponsor.. and all hell broke lose. fake story on fake story pops onto the site, using "clever" stories to somehow integrate the code.. the code is now a user on myspace gathering friends.. one or two went as far as registering domain names with said code. and it spread like wildfire- gizmodo, slashdot, and reddit have all covered the "user riot" by now, and wikipedia eventually banned the code from its site, with the corresponding DIGG post saying "is freedom of speech on the net dead?" [or something to that effect]. the DIGG owners at first tried to explain themselves to no [if not opposite] effect here, citing Intellectual Property rights; and eventually gave in to the angry mob here. eventually the first 4 full pages of news were filled with such stories. and now, not 10min ago, just after 11pm pacific, 1am central- DIGG, the web 2.0 user supported monster, went down. i'm pretty sure it was by the owners, and not the rush of users and gawkers, but it was a weird occurrence nonetheless. score one for the huddled [, geeky,] masses. :)
disclosure: yeah, that's the code.. i'm just an ass. NO clue wtf to do with it. pls dont take my google account! kthxbai
update: 1:20a as i finish this, and it's back up, all the [remaining?] stories intact; still 4 full pages til you hit a non-HD DVD story. funny thing is, users are stating "i'm officially done with DIGG!", but you KNOW these people are worse than me [ME, do you KNOW me?], and they'll be back to watch the aftermath. "digital revolt" as an act of civil disobedience.. eh, sure, why not?
disclosure: yeah, that's the code.. i'm just an ass. NO clue wtf to do with it. pls dont take my google account! kthxbai
update: 1:20a as i finish this, and it's back up, all the [remaining?] stories intact; still 4 full pages til you hit a non-HD DVD story. funny thing is, users are stating "i'm officially done with DIGG!", but you KNOW these people are worse than me [ME, do you KNOW me?], and they'll be back to watch the aftermath. "digital revolt" as an act of civil disobedience.. eh, sure, why not?
Labels: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0, digg, internet, revolt, web
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