&*@%^#$!: nickelsuck


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

14 April 2007


i always thought their stuff sounded similar.. click the auto-mashup behind the link:
[via kottke.org]

tangent: i've been asked to compile a mix CD of recent uptempo, high energy, mall-punk-y type hits.. and i'm kinda at a loss. one example: that new avril lavigne "girlfriend" single.. stuff that fast, etc. any suggestions? please to the commenting. i'm thinking fall out boy, and maybe my chemical romance, but not necessarily as dramatic.. so.. what's "hip" nowadays? what's "with it"?
[tucka tucka tucka tuckatucka tuckatucka...]

aside # dos: cutest thing tonight.. after dinner, flipping through the digital cable music channels.. my nephew rocking out and running around.. to metallica's "enter sandman". hahahaha

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