&*@%^#$!: October 2007


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

30 October 2007


THIS links to a clip from last thursday's 30 Rock. Alec Baldwin as Jack Doneghey [and a host of other characters..] yeah, you might not exactly know what's going on if you haven't been following the series, but.. it's jaw-droppingly amazing. i believe i clapped after the scene finished :)
[borrow the dvds of s1 from me if u havent kept up]
[well wait for my sis to finish em]

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25 October 2007

Ben Heck's Access Controller Revealed

Ben Heck shows off his new modular one-handed Access controller prototype:

Here’s the basic principle: You lay this controller on your leg, table or arm of a chair and all the buttons are available on the top surface. The gag is that each of the five sections is removable and you can plug them anywhere you want. This not only makes the controller work for both left and right handed use (simply mirror the layout) but it also allows the user to optimize the button placement on a game-by-game basis. Even if the user has partial use of both hands it should still be easier to work with than a standard controller.

i cant WAIT for this thing.
read more | digg story

13 October 2007

what he said

the following is from Warren Ellis' email newsletter... i don't think i could put things into words any better, so i'm just gonna republish the whole dang thing. [sorry w; don't sue me pls]

bad signal

So Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace
Prize. And, sure enough, people have
started to clamour for him to run
for President again, presumably on
the notion that Gore has now
transformed into President Bartlet

What happens if he loses his mind
and runs? I think he probably takes
out Obama straight off the bat, and
it becomes Gore vs Clinton for the
nomination. And that turns into a
nasty fight. Gore bevels away a bit
of Clinton's base. Bill will counsel
her to go to the left, her instinct
will be to go to the right, and it'll
turn out that Al Gore is still Al Gore
and his political instinct was always
right of Democratic centre, and
the Convention turns into the sort
of chaotic, shambolic hobo-fight-
with-blunt-butter-knives that the
party was desperately trying to
avoid but almost always ends up in.
Whoever wins will be bleeding right
from the start, and the usual
smooth and regimented Republican
convention will turn out its usual
smooth nomination.

Actually, that latter isn't guaranteed
this year. But the GOP is very good
at the nomination palaver, in general.

Does a Clinton/Guiliani race put
New York state into play?

The GOP side is still interesting. Fred
Thompson doesn't get the nom.
McCain turned into a punchline a
ways back. Guiliani has potential
trouble on both his right and left
flanks, but no candidate so far has
really put the knife in to either of
them, which I find interesting.

What do you think?

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12 October 2007

Star Trek Casting: Simon Pegg as Scotty, John Cho as Sulu; Budget $150M+

Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead star Simon Pegg has been cast as Scotty and Harold and Kumar star John Cho has been cast as Sulu in JJ Abrams’ Star Trek, which has a reported $150+ million budget (more than twice as much as the biggest Trek movie to date).

read more | digg story

10 October 2007



not feeling particularly bloggy lately. lots been going on tho; Rho's birthday bash @ Newport b&g, crashing @Jax's, hanging out in the city over last fri-sat being the highlights. some pix on flickr. other than that, stress/paperwork/$junk/doctor stuff etc etc. such is life

oh, go dl the new radiohead album. good stuff

04 October 2007

Serenity 2 May Happen

Serenity was a massive flop in theaters, but could big DVD sales for the box office bombed film be enough to resurrect the franchise? Alan Tudyk thinks so and he’s excited about it, even if his character is dead.

read more | digg story

03 October 2007


not the movie, altho that was pretty funny,

wasting the day away, waiting for the ADT tech to replace something on my house alarm. 12-5pm window... how boring. and this the 2nd wait; first time i waited 'til 5:30, and an operator called me saying the tech ran out of parts, and he was too far from base to pick up more and make it back in the workday... blah blah blah, so that was almost two months ago, and here we are, finally on the reschedule date.

which also happens to be the day the new kohl's nearby is having its grand opening. great timing.

so, i've been cleaning a little... [doesn't look like i've done anything tho, gettin messy again], watched some special features on the halo 3 disc... still got about 30 emails to sort thru... made a coupla phone calls...

what else has been going on... um... well yeah halo 3 came out, beat that on Legendary with my cuz... frustratingly hard at a coupla points but not as hard as i feared... then again, ive never finished the original *or* halo 2. we did find a little "cheat", kind of.. really just exploiting the way the game is built. for many of the heavy vehicles [read: enemy tanks, etc], if you use a medium vehicle w/ a weapon or turret, [chopper, ghost, etc], you can fire on the tank while you're WELL out of range of its fire, and it will still deal damage. made things alot easier more than once.

ok, so im a big nerd and was up til 3 playing it again, and it's still obviously on the brain. i do other stuff too...

like... like...

oh. i shared what "goatse" was with a friend. heheh, she asked tho! [long answer short: one of the worst internet memes ever. sick.] and i WARNED her what it was instead of just sending her hello.jpg. [link goes to WIKI, not the pic. i swear.]

wow okay, that just got weird. guess i'll go have lunch, wait some more... more cleaning later, laundry, maybe game, or read some comix... man im *board*

EDIT: 4:30p, still no ADT guy. and ive been on the phone all afternoon sorting out a bunch of stuff that was just sprung on me, woo. [stress. argh]
EDIT2: 5:15, rrr screw you guys, arrgh
EDIT3: and after 15min on hold, he's supposedly still on the way. IF he manages to, i'm sure it'll be just as i start eating dinner.
EDIT4: PAST 7.. something tells me this dude aint coming. and i didnt even get a call back apology + reschedule this time. W T F.
EDIT5: 7:48. "blah blah the tech was stuck at the last place" and only NOW theyre calling... formulating the EECB now...

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