&*@%^#$!: September 2008


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

20 September 2008

for posterity

jf 1:43 pm
hey is that gmail custom time thing a hoax?
cause i need to retrodate an assignment


me 2:23 pm
i have *no* idea what you're talking about... but my guess is yes, yes it is

jf 2:28 pm
google gmail custom time

that's not fair or funny

i should sue for psychological damage

me 2:40 pm
i still dunno the custom time thing tho. google did it? weird

oh. *jf.


Is there a limit to how far back I can send email?

Yes. You'll only be able to send email back until April 1, 2004, the day we launched Gmail. If we were to let you send an email from Gmail before Gmail existed, well, that would be like hanging out with your parents before you were born -- crazy talk.

its an april fools joke.

Welcome to Gmail's April Fool's Day joke

As you may have guessed, Gmail Custom Time is not a real product or feature of Gmail. No, we don't plan on allowing your late paper to show up in your prof's inbox as if it were sent a week ago.

So, now that you know, send the joke to a friend you think will fall for it!

jf 2:44 PM
yeah gmail sucks.


me 2:45 PM
they got YOU though

jf 2:45 PM
yeah yeah i didn't read it

me 2:45 PM

jf 2:45 PM
and i didn't need to use it til now

lol whatev

me 2:46 PM
haha, the quotes on the page

"I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing."

Todd J., Investment Banker

"I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing."

Todd J., Investment Banker


"I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing."

J****** F., Student

there we go.

jf 2:47 PM
yeah yeah yeah shaaadaaap

i didn't read it in detail

me 2:48 PM
but you make it so eeeeasy

jf 2:48 PM
no i don't!


me 2:48 PM

but this ONE time

jf 2:48 PM
ok i'm not talking to you. i g2g this stupid paper done later than i had intended.

me 2:48 PM
i should allowed to revel in it

jf 2:48 PM
ha ha ha

me 2:49 PM

jf 2:49 PM
cherish this ONE TIME

me 2:49 PM
go work. now only if you could... pre-date it somehow...

jf signed off
2:50 PM

Labels: ,

15 September 2008


We lost the game, by the way. 69 - 62. Saw the results online right before I went to bed. I *could* watch the rest of the game via highlight now... but I'd have to watch the entire game - no skipping ahead on those streams, remember?

At least the US women scored their gold... Men's will go for Bronze vs Great Britain tomorrow morning at 7am.

14 September 2008

Awesome. More ways than one.

Got up and managed to catch the second half of the US vs CAN men's wc basketball semifinal game start. Incredibly close match with the spread being 5 points at most, lots of back and forth. US keeps the lead for the whole game, but manages to lose it right at the end with a 3 pointer by CAN at 16. left... 2 more traded FGs and the game goes into overtime.
US takes the lead 15 seconds in to the 5min OT, but CAN manages to keep it close- and about halfway through the OT, CAN manages to take the lead for the first time the entire game! Some nice camera work really showed off the anguish of the US team, as their top scorers foul out and Canada rallies the troops... Lots more fouls and missed foul shots for both sides, and we foul CA yet again when we're only up by 1 point, but there's still 11 seconds left on the clock! CA misses one, makes one... the clock winds down as the US misses the shot- and a Canadian player *ALMOST* makes an amazing 3/4 court shot to win, but it *just* misses- and we go into DOUBLE OVERTIME.
2OT begins... more traded FGs, and CA manages a great steal at mid-court, but can't follow through. At this point around two minutes or so in, US is up by two, but... someone got fouled? and...


Sunday morning, 10am... It's bad enough that the only *good* coverage is the live Beijing time streaming feeds, but now even THOSE are untrustworthy? NBCU has HOW many channels on tv and cable, and this is the biggest Paralympics EVER, but... no room for cripples on television, I guess. International spectacle of sport, thousands upon thousands living their dream... boy, I sure am glad there's room for great fare such as 'Greatest American Dog", though.

Seriously. Screw you guys.


EDIT: Just submitted this to the universalsports.com web form, but I doubt it'll go anywhere. [covers some other broader issues, and then little cut n paste action going on, but I'll be damned if I have to write this all out yet again]

The Beijing Paralympic web feed died.
During the Men's Wheelchair Basketball game between USA and Canada.
Two minutes into a double overtime, less than 3 left.
I just wanted to register my incredible displeasure over not just this game, but coverage of the Paralympics overall. Beijing went all-out and is spending close to the same amount on these games as the regular Olympics, and this ONE website [univeralsports.com] is the only way to watch?
And not even in a convenient way; the BIG, popular sports may have individual clips, but MANY sports get little to no coverage at all. And if they *are* lucky enough to have a camera present, the only way to luck into seeing that is through the daily highlight feed- a 4.5 hour solid block of streamed video that CAN'T be saved, downloaded, or skipped through.
It's unbelievable and unconscionable. NBCU has HOW many channels on tv and cable, and this is the biggest Paralympics EVER, but... no room for cripples on television, I guess. International spectacle of sport, thousands upon thousands living their dream... boy, I sure am glad there's room for great fare such as 'Greatest American Dog", though.

Looking for more email addresses. Hm... I've got an idea... More to come, perhaps.


12 September 2008

backwards blog

sharing a gShare:

via kottke:

2008 Summer Paralympic Games photography

I don't mean to link to every single thing on The Big Picture, but Alan's knocked it out of the park again with these fantastic photos of the 2008 Summer Paralympic Games. These sports look more difficult than the ones at the regular Olympics. Take, for instance, goalball:

Participants compete in teams of three, and try to throw a ball that has bells embedded in it, into the opponents' goal. They must use the sound of the bell to judge the position and movement of the ball. Games consist of two 10 minute halves. Blindfolds allow partially sighted players to compete on an equal footing with blind players.
The Games aren't being broadcast on American TV but you can catch them on the web at Universal Sports.

and my rant/comment:

“wow actual coverage!
yeah universalsports.com is the ONLY place covering them... but events are LIVE- Beijing time... and theres a few highlight videos, but otherwise theres a daily/the past days' 4 HOUR CHUNK of streaming video... that you can't ffwd at all. or save.
oh AND the international quad rugby teams are all super competitive, and the brackets suould be filled with great games... but even the friggin web coverage is only showing the Gold Medal game.
Beijing spent another couple [tens of] million[s?] to make these games just as spectacular [check the pics], and nobody knows these games even exist. only news ive seen on the AP feed is that double amputee guy Pistorius.
oh hey look, a blog post.”

as if i didnt already hate the msm