&*@%^#$!: July 2006


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

29 July 2006

MAJOR Google Talk UPDATE! With Voicemail+Music status+File transfer

Finally Google Talk with voicemail, file transfer capabilities and show what music track you are playing in your client!!!

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24 July 2006

G.R.A.W. map pack 2

Today we're releasing more information about the GRAW PC Map Pack #2. See below for 2 screenshots, each detailing a new game mode that will be added with the map pack. Additionally, this map pack will implement the death cam, a feature showing you how you died and who shot you. This pack is still in development, aiming for a release at the end of July or beginning of August.


follow their lead

bravo, EU

brain dump

most of last week is a blank.. so, the weekend! friday-, bday, clerks2, hairscut, zonk out, then omgcrazy cna lady calls at quarter to saturday.. sat- scope out another dude's accessible house, test drive a car i'm probly gonna buy, fast burrito!, pick up supplies/ completely shut down into food coma halfway thru jewel.. schedule tv repair guy, halo?, field cancellations for sun and find people online.. wide awake til 4am+ is getting far too normal. sunday- zombify thru the morning, make unnecessary calls, partypartykidsfamilyomgwtf, BBQ- too much food as usual, ends at 630?! must be a record. make calls for stuff left here. stuffed. pass out. 4400, more furni shopping [GET MORE STUFF AUNTIES FROM PHILIPPINES IN NEXT WEEKEND OMG], exercise in futility somewhat.. nothing at ikea?? [onlie anyway.. 2007 products in store, but dont wanna go in blind.] burger at 1130p, bad idea. play surf stop- plan monday.. watch in horror as the list i'm writing out gets longer and longer.
still cant sleep. ding! 4am.

21 July 2006


ok, he isn't my first choice in music to listen to, but due to the matter of the previous post, i *had* do it:

Ostensibly, Timberlake is no longer courting the teenybopper set. But it would be impossible for him to strip the mall gene from his creative DNA, as evidenced by the sleek, S&M-referencing "SexyBack." The collaboration with Timbaland, which was shipped to radio about a week ago, goes for an edgier sound but is still aimed squarely at middlebrow American taste.


ok.. i couldn't do anything witty with nelly furtado's name.. but how about timbaland lake here? timberlakeland? overextension of your own brand?
yeahh anyway.. maybe i should *hear* it before i pass judgement.. i've seen it out there, just haven't been compelled to acquire. i'm getting to be an ornery old man i guess ;)



she really needs to get away from the heavier hip-hop influences she found in timbaland [who *is* talented in himself, i just don't like this particular pairing].. just going acoustic makes this song miles better.. this and that 'crazy' cover.. has me highly anticipating her *next* album.
[got it on mp3 too..]

20 July 2006

more info

why can't people just get their facts straight?

19 July 2006

words cannot express adequately my feelings

misinformed idiotic office-stealing/nepotistic power mad imperialist pig bible thumping yokel cowboy 'democracy' warmongering fucking asshat.
feel free to add your own.
I mean really. I bet he's sitting in his office prouder than a toddler who just learned to go potty. 'look papa, I done used my first veto!'
nevermind the fact that he's running a go-nowhere war against a nonspecific entity where our own are getting needlessly injured and killed. Let's top that off by killing a whole entire wing effectively disabling any new development in a field of research that if implemented that would do no harm* and only give hope in the short term, and maybe eventually cures to a multitude of infirmities- potentially even helping those getting injured in your war.
*it's the future, get with it. Unused embryos are just that, unused. They may have HAD the *potential* for life, fine. But if the decision has been made that they won't be used and are heading for the dumpster anyway, why not put them to good use. It's a cluster of cells doing nothing. No murder there. I'm willing to bet you lose more functional cells drinking a couple of beers [more functional, meaning BOTH # of cells AND more useful there in context]. There's already headway in the stem cell field.. mostly in other countries, where more open-minded individuals make the decisions. And this is just allowing the US to fall even further behind in the scientific research field as well- American born and bred researchers, the brainiest of the brainy, are leaving the US to be allowed to study their field.. Wasn't the US founded on people leaving at fault of a closed-minded government disagreeing with their beliefs? Decisions like this on top of his ill-conceived No Child Left Behind act are ensuring the US brain-drain will only continue, perhaps even at an accelerated pace looking toward the future thanks to nclb and its backward effects. And it's a damn shame congress probably won't have to override the veto.. but it doesn't matter. It ALL doesn't matter to him. Every hot-button issue such as this [see also: gay marriage] are just pawns in his chess pieces in the game of checkers that is his office.. others feel the same way I do. It's been too many years of wrong decision after wrong decision with this puppet monkey. At least there's the two-term limit.. But I sure as hell feel sorry for the next guy; gonna have a hell of a time cleaning up the mess he's been left.

[edited once for clarity.. I was half asleep while tirading+posting]

18 July 2006

ch 3


17 July 2006

f'n finally


16 July 2006


lots and lots been going on lately: jul 5th, j+s stop in, kids/movie, Superman [probly wouldnt have gone to a theater w/o them], burgers, good times! 'wolf posted about it too, so on we go- sometime later, got a broken pump replaced in the basement.. cleaned cleaned cleaned [work in continual progress..], sent some important stuff out, got some important stuff in, still waiting on important stuff on hold; basically started some projects but still needing lots of execution [watch this space for a potential Painting Party]. what else.. HALO- i stll suck, got some couches [well, loveseat/chair/ottoman] delivered; ottoman came with 2 gimpy legs to-be-delivered 1-2 weeks.. reorganizing furniture, again still a w.i.p.. jul 14-15, had a black hole chill out/bday thing with the ladies, again fun fun- couch, pillows, gifts! [also me being neurotic] ,stickit, v, cone cakes and chips+guac = breakfast of champions :),.. 15th-rest of the day/night, niece's party- lucky kid had a kid's party two weeksago and this one's the big family/adult friends party; she made out like a bandit! showed off my house a little more, goofed around [porn on the 67".. whoa. hahahaha].. everyone leaves, i make some calls and am asked again to plan out events for my own birthday [she asked me to maybe do something at a restaurant out in schaumpton?? come ON].. i zone out for an hour or so, send some emails i said i'd send, wait more on some i'm still waiting for.. i'm the highest bidder on a new chair! but the reserve isnt met :( ..check some sites, realize i haven't blogged in a long time, and now you're reading this as i hook up my camera to check out the pix my niece took all day with my camera :)

05 July 2006

Rocketboom: Losing the Boom

Rocketboom, the most popular video blog covering internet news, has let go its charismatic star anchorwoman Amanda Congdon. She has posted her own video giving information on what happened on her own "Unboomed" website. I'm hoping she gets going with her own thing; her writing, performances, and personality were the best part of the show.

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02 July 2006


Originally uploaded by jayjayoh.
couch *set*, even.

01 July 2006

clerks 2 redband trailer

anticipated even moreso than the transformers movie, by leaps and bounds