&*@%^#$!: February 2007


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

28 February 2007


browsing thru my archives, looking for things to delete to save a few more GB, i found the backup of my site from 5 [5!] years ago:


anyone remember how Ticketmaster screwed me over while getting wwf Raw tickets? well, they did it again. this time it was for the incubus concert coming up. i submitted an ADA request for accessible tickets, with the instructions to order as many tickets as possible in companion seating; since the max ticket limit is eight, but taking the precaution that that many are not available. and they send this:

Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request due to the number of companion seats requested. For this event the venue has set a limit of one companion seat per accessible seat.

umm, hello!.. bastards. i swear..
and if that weren't enough.. another concert-related story. about a week ago i got the Jimmy Eat World e-newsletter, saying they were added as openers to the "pop disaster" tour with blink-182 and green day. pretty cool, right? until ticketmaster published dates over the weekend. looking for the sale date i read,'blink-182, green day, and.. saves the day'. saves the day? what the?? uhhuh. turns out j.e.w. is just alternating opening with s.t.d.. sucks.
heh. ..interesting acronyms. im still pissed about it tho.

finally finallyfinallyfinally.. it works. since yesterday afternoon, actually; but after tearing everything out and starting from scratch again, who could blame me for not wanting to bother with a computer for a while?me neither. but yeah, it all works,including xp. even set up the dual monitor deal. pretty sweet. but now come the questions: who can help me figure out how to implement networking/file sharing between win2000 and winXP?

still the same whiny nerd.. and man.. remember what a fiasco *that* concert turned into? woof

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26 February 2007


found this pic aimlessly surfing across the internets [=not my house].. quite the pragmatic use of a not-so-great situation, i'd say.

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23 February 2007

cookie cookie cookie [cookie cookie cookie cookie]

cookie cookie cookie
Originally uploaded by jayjayoh.
my niece made a quick delivery today.

l-r: 2x thin mints, samoas, trefoils, tagalongs, all abouts, do-si-dos.

i don't think i got enough .

backstage all-access

backstage all-access
Originally uploaded by jayjayoh.
in reference to the 30jul06 post on that Other site; never got around to it..

14 February 2007


why does the mainstream media decide to push the Iran issue as the head news story instead of highlighting more *hopeful* news like N.Korea disarming nuclear facilities?*

*when they're not busy reporting on Big Boobs McGee and her 4 baby daddys, or diaper-clad lovelorn astronauts, that is.

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12 February 2007

i heart ebay

i heart ebay
Originally uploaded by jayjayoh.
n64 console, 2 controllers, mario kart 64, and dr mario 64 ;)
all for around 2.5 ds games. ish.

i tripled my nintendo console count in the span of a week and a half. hahah

11 February 2007

middle east take ..2? ..3?

so does this count as the next "proof of WMDs" ? [cnn.com]

The U.S. military Sunday presented evidence it says shows an elite Iranian force under the command of Iran's supreme leader is behind bombings that have killed at least 170 U.S. troops in Iraq...

...The officials focused on EFPs, or explosively formed penetrators, as evidence that Iran is involved in arming Iraqi insurgents. EFPs can punch through heavily armored vehicles.

The U.S. military officials said EFPs are manufactured in such a specific way that they can be traced to Iran.

Makes me wonder if [when? ahem] he's gonna pull off starting *another* war before he's out of office in '08.
and don't forget his mantra of how he'll do it.. Do Right And Follow Through.
[SNL joke, not mine]

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barack obaob 08

this i like.

He decried the lack of "computers in schools" in the first couple of minutes of the speech, proposed "using technology to cut the bureaucracy" in the nation's health care system, and he called for fatter pipes: "Let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America."

nerd 4 prez0rs


09 February 2007


Originally uploaded by jayjayoh.
thanks to techbargains.com for implementing my "buy a ds lite" suggestion. also to my niece; altho she wanted me to get the white one. and also, seasonal affective disorder and the escape of video games ;)

08 February 2007

have i done this one before?

Your results:
You are Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)

Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
River (Stowaway)
Wash (Ship Pilot)
Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)
Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
A Reaver (Cannibal)
Derrial Book (Shepherd)
Inara Serra (Companion)
Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)
Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)
Medicine and physical healing are your game,
but wooing women isn't a strong suit.

Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test

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04 February 2007

eff comcast x abrazillion

i've had just about enough of this "this channel will be available shortly" nonsense on their H channels. caught some of the game in HD but my tivo decided to flip the channel, and until now [say 10min left in the 3rd] i haven't been able to get it back.
altho the rain isn't helping with the picture either.. ooOOooo.. HD raindrops.
dunno what the best commercial is yet.
hey wait- wasn't there a rumor about a ws iPod being announced during the 'bowl?

EDIT: 3:30 left in the 3rd.. did some player coming off the field drop a couple f bombs? hahah

EDIT2: 10ish left? its over.. commercial roundup- nothing stands out as a whole, but some good moments.. Carlos Mencia's "no speak english" joke.. oh his girlfriend one was alright too overall.. the last 5 seconds of the bud light 'hitchhiker' ad.. the "save Holland." part of that last e*trade spot.. and no new iPod, sigh.
HD clouds are still irritating me, but what can i do about the weather..
damn. after that last interception, i hit lou malnati's site to send my sis n bro-in-law a pie or two [they're Hoosiers].. all the good stuff is OOS. surprise :\

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gotta love the state of society today.. if i did have a party today, i'd be breaking the law:

The latest situation is perhaps even more bizarre -- but tragically, seems to fall closer to a correct legal reading of a really poorly written law. The NFL apparently nastygrammed a church for planning to host a Super Bowl party. The original complaint was first that the church was charging people, but also that they used the term "Super Bowl" (as if people would somehow believe that the church was associated with the NFL?). After the church agreed to let people in for free and not use the term, the NFL continued to complain, saying that showing the Super Bowl on a screen larger than 55 inches represents copyright infringement.

Go Bears!

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