&*@%^#$!: August 2006


"im gonna hand code my site and put it up.." yeah right

Location: Chi-burbia, Illinois, United States

big dreams, poor decision making abilities. "it's like having a jet engine of a mind and an ox-cart of a body"

25 August 2006

science by bureaucracy

everyones heard that a group of scientists changed the definition of a 'planet' and pluto got demoted.. this is what happens in response on the internet: a planetary mnemonic device contest.[a megnut + j.kottke joint]

Now, some runners-up. These came very close to winning:

Many Very Earnest Men Just Snubbed Unfortunate Ninth Planet (Dave Child)

"My vision, erased. Mercy! Just some underachiever now." (Delia, as spoken by Pluto discoverer Clyde Tombaugh)

Most vexing experience, mother just served us nothing! (Bart Baxter)

man, i'm gonna miss those 9 pizzas.

23 August 2006

more stem cell news/ suck it dubya



today ends a weekend on overdrive. dmv [forms forms, oops no checkbook]/ frys [haggle 1hr, openbox camera -$30]/ chzburgr in paradise [shouldve got a burger/ sweet potato chips, wrap was plain- but good cuz it turned out to be my ONLY meal that day, oops.. also plans tentatively set for tues]/ kidz [drew outlines, made cookies, always hyper]/ [sleep, not]/ birthdays [auntie's bday, and ALSO other aunt! oops]/ baby dedication [found a WoW pusher.. + super long filipino goodbye, 333% longer than planned]/ [no sleep again]/ dmv [leave in a hungry hurry, CLOSED mondays. woo]/ IKEA [again, yes.. more fill in pieces, no window treatments]/ planplanphonephoneplanplanphoneplan [bonus gw night, a break, woo]/ [2hours tops of fitful nonsleep, then]/ dmv [FINALLY temp plates.. gotta get normal plates, 3mo wait, and THEN apply for vanity- thus negating ALL trips to naperville {25min away?} instead of plano {15min}, whoops- but at least the van is a go]/ fry's [AGAIN, yes- aunt's haggled camera was a bust; replaced, more cheap stuff] family get together [late getting home, delivery guywaiting, mom set off alarm, lunas biked over.. short ribs.. newish pc]/ goodbyes goodbyes, some for days, weeks, months, some for years, etc etc

i'm missing stuff [lemme know] but my horrid atempt at not formatting i feel illustrates how weirdly zombied i managed to make it thru these past few days.. somewhat surprised i wasn't killed by gary halfway thru it all, surprised the 'party' went off okay, hoping i'm not sick like i was beginning to feel this morning [im filled with vitamin c and multivitamins]

and now, rome ep.s 11 and 12, if i dont pass out during

21 August 2006


Originally uploaded by jayjayoh.
eleven minute turnaround on the correction. i wonder how many e-mails they got about this ;)

19 August 2006


[illinois license plate selector]
"QUAD DMG" isn't a viable entry. stupid rules.
however, because of a stupid oversight on my part, i'm going back monday sometime. that much longer to think of a plate ;)

18 August 2006


so, i picked up a new [used] set of wheels.. like this one, but silver [and cheaper to boot. neh] i know i used to go on and on about the Honda X-WAV, but frugality won- the Honda was almost 3x what i paid for.. this van.
which brings me to another point. i never named my jeep, but i feel more compelled to [and have been told to] name this one; which i probably will, 'cause eventually i'll fix it up so *i* can drive it. but yeah. no good ideas for a name so far.. but i'm seriously considering 'wolf's suggestion of [QUAD DMG] for a vanity plate ;) [oh, and the paint job, heh]
any good ideas? comment pls!kthxbye

15 August 2006

oh yeah

forgot to post ;) i'd say long story short, but it's .. well just that, short. went to IKEA.. you know how u gotta back into the loading area? well we were all loaded up and i just had to roll [all the way] around the [stupidly too-narrow for me] cart guard thingys to get to the car.. well, this old dude was backing into the parking space two spaces closer to me than the jeep.. and decides to not look while he straightens his parking job.
[pix not ascii, click to view all big-like]

[key: black= jeep, red= old guy, blue= me, thick grey= dumb ikea layout, thin grey= movement, yellow= befuddled employee]

so yeah, old guy had a tiny car and tons of space on either side, and him and i even made eye contact as we were traveling in the same direction [him into the space, me into the area he was vacating by backing up, making my way toward the jeep.
and then he decides to straightens out.. pulls forward *towards* me. i grabbed my right wheel hard and spun right and backwards, and dude doesn't even acknowledge.
and that is why old people should have their licenses checked yearly monthly ..well whatever. old people. psh.

the hispanic IKEA dude just outside the building saw it tho. he was all frowny and shaking his head and all.. we made eye contact.. i couldn't help but laugh ;)

EDIT: ASCII'ing it didn't work. i'll draw it up tomorr
EDITEDIT: couple days late and horribly scratched out in mspaint, the post is finished

14 August 2006


the latest THREADLESS $10 SALE is on ;)

more specifically, the 666- school is the devil! back to school sale!
starts today, and 6 new tees monday, 6 new tees tuesday, and 6 new tees wednesday!
they're chicago locals [located on ravenswood in the city, i believe].. the purveyors of all those witty/cute/funny/crazy t's you see me/Gar/H in alot ;)

well go on, click!

oh i'll post later probly on tonight.. basically almost this.. but click the links above if you're gonna buy- w00p referral links!

01 August 2006

just because

notice how it's under politics, and not science.